
We make world-class propulsion systems, and strap airplanes to them.

Custom configurations

Lift, push, and custom applications
High torque 600mm diameter quad redundant high torque high power density operations expanding vehicle mover enabling aircraft to take off and land vertically in every element.
High efficiency

500mm diameter dual redundant integrated hollow shaft internal rotor high efficiency sensorless controlled kilowatt sipping motor provides aircraft with climb and range flexibility.

All conditions Every BETA propulsion system is designed, validated, conformed, and customized to the operational requirements of our customers and their mission.

Designed, produced & sold by BETA Technologies, our motors power vehicles across all platforms and propulsion needs.

1000x fewer parts Fewer parts against comparable legacy aircraft engines.
Over 30,000 hours Equivalent flight hours on continuous prop-stand flight test since 2021
98% Efficiency H500A is 98% efficient. The best legacy engines are ~30%.
4x redundancy V600A lift motors feature quad redundancy. 2x redundancy on H500A.

Climb on kilowatts

Designed to meet the operating needs of emergency medical tissue transport carriers, the H500A pusher and V600A lift also meet the challenge of decarbonizing air transportation. All electric means zero fossil fuels. We love horsepower. We just love kilowatts more.

Our electric propulsion systems set the standard for state-of-the-art electric motor technology, innovation, advanced materials, and production process.

pusher_webElectric Engine: H500A 2 Stators + 2 Inverters

Configuration Pusher
Gearbox N/A Direct Drive
Cooling Air
Max Shaft RPM 2550 rpm
Max Power 427 kW
Takeoff Power 394 kW
Max Continuous Power 300 kW
Max Torque (Takeoff) 1475 Nm
Max Continuous Torque 1125 Nm


Power Density Max 6.0 kW/kg
Power Density Continuous 4.2 kW/kg
Torque Density Max 22.5 Nm/kg
Torque Density Continuous 15.8 Nm/kg
Efficiency ISA 97.5%

Physical Characteristics

Weight installed (including inverters) 71 kg
Diameter 566 mm
Length 587 mm
Cooling Inlet Area 365 cm²
Max Altitude 4270 m
OAT Range -40°C to 49°C

G5L-Draft-Still-Render-V1webElectric Engine: V600A 4 Stators + 4 Inverters

Configuration Lift
Gearbox N/A Direct Drive
Cooling Air
Max Shaft RPM 1500 rpm
Max Power 455 kW
Max Continuous Power 314 kW
Max Torque 2900 Nm
Max Continuous Torque 2000 Nm


Power Density Max 6.1 kW/kg
Power Density Continuous 4.2 kW/kg
Torque Density Max 38.7 Nm/kg
Torque Density Continuous 26.7 Nm/kg
Efficiency ISA 95%

Physical Characteristics

Weight installed (including inverters) 75 kg
Diameter 684 mm
Length 516 mm
Cooling Inlet Area 500 cm²
Max Altitude 4270 m
OAT Range -40°C to 49°C


In-house validation and piloted flight test means safety, reliability, and performance become the byproducts of flying what we build.

Endurance testing

5.3MW of power and 24/7 live feed drive our remotely controlled motor endurance stands. This gives our team the ability to prove at higher thrust loads than customer use cases and mimic customer operations exposed to rain, sleet, snow, flying pigs, or boring sunshine.

Dynamic power analysis

Dynos - with up to 4800 Nm of torque and 3500 rpm are remote controlled, operate with regenerative power, and are under 24/7 live camera feed. All our dynos are equipped with instrumentation such as HBM power analyzers, accelerometers, temperature sensors, torque cells, rpm meters, high speed data acquisition up to 10kHz, and  speedgoat/simulink controls.

We manipulate load side motors mimic the operational behaviors of our customers use cases, ensuring that when customers take delivery the motor's hardest working days are behind them.

Sweet silence

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is unwanted noise or interference in an electrical path or circuit caused by an outside source. Our semi-anechoic and reverberation EMI chambers support DO-160G compliance testing including high-intensity radiated field (HIRF) and lightning. The only signal these motors hear is the one the operator sends.

Support is one click away

Which is likely one less click you will ever need to make

Electric propulsion isn't new, and neither is expecting high quality aftermarket support. Our sustainment expertise spans decades of customer service and support. We've put everything we know about our motors at your finger tips, bringing aerospace-grade reliability standards to modern day accessibility. 

Talk to a motor ninja